Research Fellow Jesper Alvær (2013 — 2016)
Oslo National Academy of the Arts / Fine Art
Norwegian Artistic Research Programm
Oslo National Academy of the Arts / Fine Art
Norwegian Artistic Research Programm
Examples audio files from preliminary interviews with Czech emigrants to Brazil, Dismissed Competence
- 1st. Witness – approx. 30 min
- 1st. Witness – approx. 30 min (transcript)
- 2nd. Witness – approx. 30 min
- 2nd. Witness – approx. 30 min (transcript)
- 3rd. Witness – approx. 30 min
- 3rd. Witness – approx. 30 min (transcript)
- 4th. Witness – approx. 30 min
- 4th. Witness – approx. 30 min (transcript)
- Aarhus Kunsthal_OPEN CALL_COLLECTIVE MAKING - The Competences
- Anonymous (preliminary) advertisement in 5 different newspapers
-, Competence (interview)
- Audio example (remake) from transcribed conversations room 3, Competence
- Audio files 1-3 (Czech) room 2, Competence
- Blind panel Data Biographical Analysis, Oslo, 13 October 2016
- Blind panel Data Biographical Analysis, Oslo, 13 October 2016 (transcript)
- Blind panel Microanalysis, Oslo, 14 October 2016
- Blind panel Microanalysis, Oslo, 14 October 2016 (transcript)
- Blind panel Teller Flow Analysis, Oslo, 15 November 2016
- Blind panel Teller Flow Analysis, Oslo, 15 November 2016 (transcript)
- BNIM Final interpretation, Work, work...12 February 2017
- BNIM Preliminary interpretation (Column A) Work, work...20 January 2016
- BNIM Preliminary interpretation (Column B) Work, work...20 January 2016
- BNIM Preliminary interpretation (Column C) Work, work...20 January 2016
- Critical Reflections on Empty Objects as an Experience to Come
- Example from individually mounted photographs room 4, Competence
- Examples audio files from preliminary interviews with Czech emigrants to Brazil, Dismissed Competence
- Examples from exercises, video, images, Stretching the Imagination
- Examples from transcribed conversations conversations room 3, Competence
- Final assessment, November 2017
- General production budget, research fellow 2013
- Images from exhibition Room 1- 4, Competence
- Images from preliminary model, Mother, Dear Mother
- Interim activity report, research fellow 2013-2014
- Interim activity report, research fellow, 2014-2015
- Interim assessment, protocol criteria December 2016
- Interviews 1-10, audio, Stretching the Imagination
- Interviews 1-10, transcripts, Stretching the Imagination
- Interviews with participants Anonymous Work Group 1-6
- Interviews with participants Anonymous Work Group 1-6 (transcript)
- Kunststipendiatforum
- Ministry of Education and Research
- Norwegian Artistic Research Programme (NARP)
- Official press release exhibition, Competence
- Official press release exhibition, Mother, Dear Mother
- Official press release exhibition, Stretching the Imagination
- Official press release Viva Voce
- Oslo National Academy of the Arts
- Preliminary proposal to volunteers, Stretching the Imagination
- Press images from exhibition Mother, Dear Mother
- Radio broadcast Mother, Dear Mother
- Radio broadcast Mother, Dear Mother (transcript)
- Remake duet of song Mother, Dear Mother (Mor, Kjære Mor)
- Review of Mother, Dear Mother Kunstkritikk (Norwegian)
- Review report, (in Norwegian)
- Sequentialisation of Subsession 1-2-3 London, example, draft
- Staging Dislocation: Notes on Finished and Unfinished Work
- Student announcement about the course
- Subsession 1-2-3 London, 15-16 September 2016
- Subsession 1-2-3 London, 15-16 September 2016 (transcript)
- The Association of Doctoral Organisations in Norway (SIN)
- The Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions (UHR/NRKU)
- Tom Wengraf, Lecture Biographical Narrative Interpretation Method (BNIM), Oslo, 13 October 2016
- Tom Wengraf, Lecture Biographical Narrative Interpretation Method (BNIM), Oslo, 13 October 2016 (transcript)
- Translation of audio files 1-3 (English) room 2, Competence
- UMA Audioguide, Competence (interview)
- Unedited film footage, integrating exercise elements and comments.
- Unedited video translation, Mother, Dear Mother.
- Updated assessment, protocol criteria September 2017
- Viva Voce, October 2017 (transcript)
- Viva Voce, October 2017 (video documentation)
- Work contract Oslo National Academy of the Arts, research fellow 2013-2016
- You said, ‘irony’